Living a Beauty Legacy life DOESN’T mean you buy a bunch of beauty products simply to make yourself look better, without a care for the environment and people it took to produce them. You’re better than that. To prove it though, we first had to go digging for some answers that would help us explain better what we mean. We started with a few simple questions.
What does it mean to leave a legacy?
According to Lawyer and Entrepreneur, Marelisa Fabrega of the .com, Daring to Live Fully, leaving a legacy is about putting your “stamp on the future, and making a contribution to future generations. People want to leave a legacy because they want to feel that their life mattered.”
Okay, we get that. But what about beauty? What is the meaning of beauty, anyway?
We conducted a similar Google search of this question only to be brought to a standard definition and same ol’ boring conclusion, that...
“ 1) it’s a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
2) a beautiful woman.”
Yikes! That’s not very helpful.
It wasn’t until we scrolled the page a bit to find the question that we perhaps should have asked from the start.
What is the REAL meaning of beauty?
Thankfully, Shelly P. Johnson of the Love is Stronger blog had a great answer to this question, saying “True beauty is the state of being authentic and sincere in a way that extends love to yourself and others. It feels real, safe, alive, playful, flowing, authentic, life-giving. This truth doesn't mean that beauty never has anything to do with our clothes or hair or bodies or faces.”
It’s like she had read our minds!!!!
So that’s it, isn’t it? Living a Beauty Legacy life is really about a combination of the wisdom shared by these two women and more. To live a Beauty Legacy lifestyle means we’re living sincerely, inside and out, and in such a way that leaves a positive impression in the world long after we’re gone. There are many many ways of accomplishing this, so we’re likely to revisit this topic again and again on our blog.
The 3 Tips You Were Waiting For
Here are 3 tips you can use to get started in your journey to living what we call a Beauty Legacy life:
- Learn to give yourself more credit when it’s due, and value yourself well.
- Take good care of yourself inside and out.
- Find ways to lift others up, and spread joy.
While these aren't the only ways of living a Beauty Legacy life, they incorporate all the right stuff for the journey. By learning to give yourself more credit and appreciate your own value, you expand your confidence and horizons for doing good in the world.
By taking good care of yourself inside (meditating, positive self talk, etc.) and outside (eating healthy, using a coffee scrub, argan oil with ylang ylang essence, etc. to keep up great outer health and skincare) you’re leading by example, showing what a healthy practice looks like, and for generations to come.
By finding ways to lift others up and spread joy, you are providing solutions and opportunities for others who might not have had options prior. Simply honoring the work done by another person can leave a legacy of kindness, promoting those who work hard long after we’re no longer around to see its positive impacts.
What a wonderful experience we would all have and enjoy if everyone strove to live a Beauty Legacy life. Can you think of more ways to live a Beauty Legacy life? Share it with us on Instagram.